Don’t Let Grant Deadlines Haunt You—Grab Your Planner!
Treat Yourself: Get organized this grant season!
Muahaha! Happy Halloween! 🎃
Getting ready for grant applications can sometimes feel like navigating a haunted house filled with twists and turns and the occasional surprise deadline lurking in the shadows.
We know the grant application process can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve created a toolkit to help you conquer the grant maze and emerge victorious!
Our Grants Submission Planner is designed to streamline the grant application process, ensuring you never miss an important deadline or opportunity. It provides a comprehensive system for tracking deadlines, progress, and grant details, along with a strategy worksheet and writing prompts to guide you through the application process.
A few years ago, I found myself in the midst of a challenging grant application. I had an exciting podcast project in mind I was truly passionate about. I identified several grants that could provide the funding to bring my vision to life. However, dun-dun-dun… I quickly became overwhelmed as I began to dig into the requirements.
I had multiple deadlines approaching, each with different stipulations, and I felt like I was drowning in notes scribbled down on random pieces of paper as well as countless tabs open on my browser.
I struggled to remember which grants required what, and worse, I missed deadlines that could have provided the support I desperately needed.
In that moment of chaos (and frustration), I realized I needed a better way to manage everything, so I started crafting a solution.
I envisioned a digital planner that would keep track of deadlines and streamline the writing process — something that would guide me through the many tasks required to submit grant applications.
Here’s what I created.
As you can see here, I’m pretty basic, lol.
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being basic, especially if the job gets done, right?!
Anyway, I prefer spreadsheets without fancy graphs. Just give me something simple and customizable which I can access from anywhere while on the go.
Making sure I dotted the i's and crossed the t's, I partnered with a grant writer to hone my grant writing skills, so we added a grant writing strategy worksheet and writing prompts to the toolkit.

The prompts guided me to think deeply about my project and communicate my vision. Now, I always have a bank of responses I can pull from, saving me so much time on each submission.
Since publicly sharing the Grants Submission Planner almost a year ago, it has been incredibly rewarding to see how this planner has helped many of you submit more grants.
Here’s what you’ll get with our planner:
Grants Tracker Spreadsheet (Google Sheets): Your command center for monitoring all upcoming deadlines, tracking submission progress, and maintaining essential grant details. Keep everything in one spot!
Grant Writing Strategy Worksheet (Google Docs): Easily reference the specific requirements for each submission. No more scrambling to remember what each grant entails.
Grant Writing Prompts (Google Docs): Craft thoughtful, impactful answers to frequently asked questions and present your project in the best possible light.
Get organized, stay on top of deadlines, and confidently submit grant applications!
We’ve rolled back pricing for Halloween, so you can now purchase the Grants Submission Planner at $17 (Regular Price: $25).
We cannot wait to see how you use this resource.
P.S. Are you dressing up for Halloween? Our family is going with the Toy Story theme. I will be dressed as Jessie, the cowgirl rag doll. Yee-haw!
New England is gorgeous this time of year.

P.S.S. This is the last call for the 2024 Podcast Planner before it gets pulled off the shelves for good. Keep track of podcast episode ideas, downloads, income and expenses, sponsorships, and promotional efforts all in one place. This planner is a great companion to the Grants Submission Planner, helping you manage your podcast from start to finish.